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Hurricane Ian Free HR Support

Our hearts are breaking from the devastation that Hurricane Ian has caused in Florida, particularly in Southwest Florida where I grew up and called home for most of my life and so did our Business Operations Manager, Meghan Trout. Ft. Myers and Naples are our hometowns.

It's a helpless feeling to watch my hometown of Ft. Myers get destroyed. I spent most of my life on the beaches of Ft. Myers and Sanibel and am forever grateful that I was lucky enough to grow up in paradise. They are gone now, leveled to the ground and the landscape will never be the same.

Hospitality and tourism are the economy in Ft. Myers and Ft. Myers Beach. In a matter of hours, some people not only lost their homes, their cars and all of their belongings but they also lost their job/place of employment. All of the restaurants, bars, shops and hotels that once generated jobs and a livelihood for people along Ft. Myers Beach no longer physically exist. They are completely gone leaving hundreds of people without an income when they need it most. It is crucial for Ft. Myers Beach to rebuild to provide job opportunities, bring tourism back and regenerate the local economy.

Having this helpless feeling and wanting to help but not knowing what to do is where everyone on the Employers Advantage team is at watching the devastation down there. When you don't know what to do, do what you know.... We know people, we know small business and we know how to love and support. So that is what we are going to do now until the end of 2022. At a time like this when everything is running together and it’s hard to know what to do or where to start, particularly as a business owner, we are here to help! Employers Advantage is offering Free HR Support to small businesses and non-profits located in Southwest Florida that have been impacted by Hurricane Ian. We can provide support on wage and hour issues, when to pay, what to pay, how to support employees through this tragedy, how/when to consider getting people back to work, the process for getting people back to work, etc. We are here for you lending a listening ear, support and whatever guidance we can. We are here for you. Call me directly at 980-422-7953 or email for assistance.

Stay safe and be well,

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